
Reconciliation is part and parcel in the post war situation in terms building sustainable peace. The ESDF has been working on dealing with past with the intention of promoting reconciliation and social cohesion among divided multi ethnic and multi religious communities in Sri Lanka through empowering community groups on peace needs and social cohesion, conducting inter-community dialogues, psychological healing of war victims, memorialization, rehabilitating victims of the war including disabled, torture survivors and victims of sexual violations and rebuild economic condition of women victims.

On the other hand, ESDF works on promoting religious and cultural pluralism through ethnic and religious communities’ exchange initiatives and increasing the respect and inclusion of religious freedom and language rights among multi ethnic groups. At the same time, the ESDF actively participates in peace building processes of the government and international mechanisms and also addressing peace needs and expressing demand of affected people especially women in multi ethnic and religious communities. Meanwhile, the ESDF is monitoring ongoing peace building process in Sri Lanka and educating the affected people especially women groups of that process to actively participate in peace building process to address their issues and demanding their needs.